Monday, June 22, 2009

The road not traveled...

I recently was involved in a charity bike ride. It was in memory of someone who had lost their battle with breast cancer. I saw many survivors and friends and relatives of people who had lost loved ones to this disease. I gave a little speech, I offered to, although I never know why the hell anyone wants to hear what I have to say, and I rode about 7-10 miles, stopping to visit a friend of mine who owns a business nearby.

Early detection, luck, personal trainers, doctors and a lot of prayer helped to save my life, and for that I am grateful.

I guess that is why I advocate so hard for a cure to this disease. I am in remission, but I still feel the effects almost every single day, but I am lucky, I am alive, I can speak out and talk about it. I know so many others who don't want to talk about their cancer, which is fine. I have a voice and a way to reach other people, in this blog, on various social networking sites, on the radio and wherever anyone can hear the sound of my voice. I don't want anyone else to go through this, that is for damn sure.

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